Title: Collage
Author: Sairalinde
Type: RPS
Pairing: Viggo/Sean B.
Rating: M/M Relationship Suggested
Warning: Schmoop.
Beta: glorfindel
Website: www.lordsofgondor.com
Live Journal: www.livejournal.com/users/sairalinde
Disclaimer: This never happened...if it did well let's just say I'd be really surprised! I am only using names and physical descriptions of real people, but don't know them blah, blah, blah. This was written in fun that's all.
Feedback: Yes, please send to Sairalinde @ hornofgondor.com
Archiving: OEAM, Rubytackling, green Opals, SL, LOM.
Summary: Written for the Adult Fan Fiction Birthday Challenge. Viggo makes a special present for Sean's birthday April 17, 2005.

Viggo sat in the floor staring at the photographs spread all around him and then picked up one from the group. Smiling at the memory behind the simple piece.

Just a basic snapshot, nothing artistic about it really. Something you might find in a doting mothers scrapbook. It was a photo of a golden haired man with a golden haired child on his shoulders and both sporting ice cream induced mustaches. This was one that definitely belonged in the collage he was making.

He unfolded from his position on the floor and padded over to the heavy illustration board sitting on his kitchen table and went about affixing the photograph in the center of the collage, tucking a corner under another photo. A photo of Boromir wearing sunglasses and a huge smile that made him look more like a rock star than a brooding warrior.

Viggo had been planning the collage for months and working on it for several days, choosing one photo at a time, the piece growing a little more with each memory. Seven years of photographs, seven years of memories, and seven years of feeling the most grounded, the most connected, the most in tune with the rest of the world. All because of one person…the person in most of the photographs he had assembled into a collage.

He had even gone so far as to call Rita asking for photos of a young Sean and those were also in the collage. So young he didn't even look like the same man unless, you looked at the eyes. Eyes never change.

Viggo thought back to the day he first saw those sparkling green eyes and the man that would change his views on friendship and love, and life forever. Amazing how one person can make such an impact on someone else's life, but he supposed it happened all the time. Particularly on that movie, in that place, so far away.

Sean had no idea what Viggo was up to, he had told Sean he had to come to L.A. to take care of some business with his agent. So Sean decided to spend some time with his girls while Viggo was away. It had been a good ruse but Viggo missed him terribly. Always missed him when they were apart. The daily phone call would be coming soon.

Viggo glanced up at the clock on the kitchen stove and smiled. It was 8:23 A.M. and at 8:30 A.M. his phone would ring. It would be 4:30 P.M. in London. Sean always called at that time of day because he knew Viggo was an early riser. Always had been, always wanted to see the sunrise on a new day. Although most mornings Sean was successful at getting Viggo to stay in bed with him.

Viggo padded back over to the piles of photographs and grinned at one he saw laying on top. Perfection, was the only word that came to mind. It was taken at a hotel in Rome when their lives were hectic with schedules and shooting, and trying to snatch time away to be together. They had decided to meet up in Rome. It had never really ever been just about sex, but that night it was. It was like a spark to gunpowder as soon as Viggo had stepped into the hotel room Sean had for lack of a better way to describe it attacked him. Just thinking about it caused Viggo's pulse to pick up and a warmth to kindle low in his stomach. That night had been wild, and rough, but always, always loving.

The next morning when he woke up he had gotten up and showered and when he returned to the room he just stood there staring. Sean was on his stomach, arms above his head and covering most of the mattress. The sun was shining through the window gilding Sean like some sort of golden god, the white sheet wrapped over just enough of his body to be considered decent. His muscles were more defined from the new movie role, he looked every bit like a legendary warrior. Viggo grabbed his camera and took several photos and then when he pulled the camera down from his face he looked up to see green eyes smiling at him.

"You are a pervert." Sean said softly his voice still edged in sleep.

"Am not…the sheet is over you." Viggo defended.

Sean just laughed and snuggled closer to the pillow. "Already showered?"

"Yeah." Viggo answered.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Sean asked.

"You looked so peaceful…I know you have been working hard." Viggo answered tugging on his jeans.

"So have you." Sean murmured and then rolled onto his side and propped his head on his hand. "How long?"

Viggo frowned. "I have to fly back late tonight."

Sean frowned too. "One more month." Sean sighed getting out of bed and going to the shower.

Viggo decided what the hell…a person can't be too clean. He joined Sean in the shower.

Viggo looked up at the clock and smiled just as the phone rang. Right on time.

After the call he worked more on the collage. Viggo's heart sunk when Sean mentioned that his Mom said Viggo called her. Viggo hoped that Rita had kept his secret and thankfully she did. He decided Sean's Mom definitely deserved roses for that. She had been almost giddy on the phone when he had described his present for Sean. He was glad she had been able to keep it from her son though. Sean was a little spoiled in that way…he had his mother twisted around his little finger, then again he also had Viggo equally so, though he didn't think Sean thought it of either of them.

The Sean he knew was nothing like the man he portrayed in his roles. That was why he was doing this collage. Showing sides of the man he loved that no one saw but loved ones.

Viggo placed the last photo and stepped back. He'd like it. Especially the pictures that Sean himself had taken. Pictures of the kids. One of them made him smile as he spied it in with the others. Sean's girls and Henry in the barn in Idaho the Christmas before last.

Sean had practically flown into the kitchen and Viggo had nearly dropped the cup he had been rinsing at the sink.

"What the hell?" Viggo asked following Sean into the other room.

"Camera…" Sean muttered pushing blonde hair out of his eyes that he had let grow out again. Then he grabbed Viggo's camera and without a word raced back to the barn. Viggo followed him, curious to know why Sean suddenly needed his camera.

The scene in the barn was priceless. Sean was hiding from the kids just around the corner of one of the horse stalls. The three teens and the six year old were in the hay playing with Megan. The dog was in heaven having her tummy rubbed. Evie was in Henry's lap giggling. They had no idea the "adults" were spying on them.

Sean snapped pictures of them quickly knowing the sound of the click and whirl would get their attention soon. When it did the older girls threw hay at their father, and Henry groused that he was worse than his own Dad and Evie just begged to have another one taken.

That photo was one of his favorites. When Sean finally went back to the house with Viggo he said, "Sorry, just had to get a picture of that…I hope they turn out."

Viggo smiled back. "They'll turn out."

And they did.

Viggo wrapped up the illustration board carefully. Boxed it up as if he was packing it to go to the moon really, and then packed his bags. He would only need to hide it for a few days.

April seventeenth arrived but Viggo made no mention of Sean's birthday and Sean didn't either. He was busy that day, had to meet with his agent and had practically ran out of the house with one shoe on and carrying the other because he was late.

Viggo set up his present for Sean in the living room on an easel covered with a blue cloth. He considered wrapping it but decided this way was best.

When Sean walked in that afternoon he was already calling out for Viggo.

"Viggo! You'd never guess…oh Hello." He smiled into the kiss that greeted him.

"Happy Birthday, Sean." Viggo whispered.

"I'd nearly forgotten about that." Sean said with a grin.

"Well I didn't. I made dinner, but I can't wait to give you, your present. Come on." Viggo said tugging at his arm.

"Lemme take my jacket off first." Sean argued half heartedly and tossed his jacket across the nearest chair.

Viggo led him to the easel and Sean stood there for a moment. Viggo's gifts were always unique, and he wondered what on earth it could be.

"Well?" Viggo asked looking at him with a nervous smile.

Sean pulled the blue cloth off and stood staring at the collage for a long time. He didn't say anything just stood looking at all of the photos, all of the memories, and at the same time seeing all the love and care that had gone into the making of it.

"Viggo…it's…it's…amazing. When did you do all this?" Sean asked after a long pause.

"While I was in L.A."

"You brought this all the way back with you?" Sean asked amazed turning for the first time to face him.


"I…I don't even know what to say. Thank you…I love you." Sean stammered and Viggo laughed.

"That will do just fine."

The next morning Viggo woke up alone. Sean hardly ever got up before him so he crawled out of bed in search of the man. He didn't have to go far. He found him on the couch in the living room with the collage in his lap.

"You're up early." Viggo whispered not to startle him.

"Mmm, I couldn't sleep anymore. Where'd you get the pictures of me when I was young?" Sean asked.

"Your Mom." Viggo answered and Sean laughed.

"So that's why you'd called her. All this time she knew about it and didn't tell me…how'd you manage that one?" Sean asked.

"Because she likes me." Viggo said sitting down on the couch next to him.

Sean grinned and shook his head. "Did I tell you how much I loved this?"

"Many times…showed me even…why don't you come back to bed and show me again?" Viggo invited grinning mischievously.

"It's not my birthday anymore." Sean answered.

"That's ok…we can pretend it's mine." Viggo answered grinning.

They never made it back to the bedroom.

The End.