Title: Holiday
Author: Glorfindel and Sairalinde
Type: RPS
Pairing: Viggo/Sean B.
Rating: Sexual Implication/Light Sexual Situations
Beta: Glorfindel
Warning: None
Feedback: Would love it
Website: http://www.lordsofgondor.com
Live Journal: http://www.livejournal.com/users/sairalinde/
Disclaimer: This never happened...this is total fiction. Viggo and Sean real but we can make no claims on them. This was written in fun that's all.
Archiving: Not that it's worthy of archiving…
Summary/Notes: Viggo takes Sean on a camping trip.
This was actually Glorfindel's idea...

When Viggo invited Sean on his own little personally guided tour of the American west, Sean had expected a nice quiet and relaxing holiday. You never get what you expect, especially not with Viggo involved. He really should have known better, but he wanted to spend time with his friend.

Viggo showed him all of the "tourist attractions", but of course from Viggo's unique point of view. So here he was half way down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

Viggo took sight seeing a little too seriously. Sean would have been happy to just snap a few photos from the North Rim and be done with it, but Viggo insisted that was not the way to see the true beauty of the place.

Now they were resting on a big flat rock beside what Viggo described as a trail, and what Sean described as nothing even resembling the sort. They rode down on donkey's much to Sean's amusement, but the little beasts had been incredibly sure footed.

They had stopped to rest for a while and had tied the two donkey's to a small scrubby looking tree.

"Bloody hell!" Sean said as he stood up. His donkey had come untied and apparently wandered off.

"Hey, where's your ass?" Viggo turned to him at the exclamation and asked with a slight smirk.

"It's right fucking here." Sean replied slapping his bum and smirking right back.

"No, your donkey." Viggo said wondering for a few seconds that Sean had truly misunderstood.

Sean laughed. "No. I know what you are talking about. He was right here a minute ago. Christ. And I am so fucking tired. I don't feel like hunting the little beast down." Sean replied but started over toward the little tree to see if he could make out where it might have wandered off to anyway.

"Well he will probably just go back to one of the tour operators if we don't find him first. You can always ride my ass, if you want." Viggo said. "I can walk…"

Sean didn't hear the rest of what Viggo said. He was too busy thinking, 'Damn right, I'd love to ride your ass.'

Then he noticed Viggo was still talking and gesturing with his hands.

Sean realized it hadn't quite been the offer he was hoping for…but he still had hope, and a very vivid imagination.

The End.