Title: What I See
Author: Sairalinde
Characters: David Wenham/Craig Parker
Rating: PG-13 Innuendo
Disclaimer: Fiction. As in...not true.
Word count: 100
Warnings: none
A/N: Written for autumn_witch78's Daisy Drabble challenge on dave_uncensored
A/N 2: I bummed off of Helena and didn't count the word "a" or I'd have went over by 1 word. :P
A/N 3: I've NEVER posted a drabble before. I cannot write them or at least always said I can't, and this was painful as it started out at 210 words and I thought much better at that length but...to fit a drabble I had to shave it down some. *sigh* But...I did it. Like going to the dentist...I don't plan to do it often.

The light was perfect.

“Stay here.” David bounded out of bed.

Craig blinked. “What? Where are you going?”

“Just stay.”

When David returned with a camera, Craig’s eyes went wide. “Hell no,” he blurted, jerking the covers up.

“You’re beautiful.” David circled, changing angles.

“This is silly.”

“I’ll let you see them.”

“I know what I look like, David.”

“You don’t know how *I* see you.”

Craig stopped short— the words coupled with the look in David’s eyes softened him.

The camera clicked-whirled before David crawled onto the bed. “I think you need to be more mussed before shooting the rest.”