Title: Not Old...Experienced
Author: Sairalinde
Type: RPS
Pairing: Viggo/Sean B.
Rating: Explicit Sex
Beta: Glorfindel
Disclaimer: This never happened...this is total fiction spurred on by a chain smoking chocolate eating bunny that lives in my purse. Viggo, and Sean are real people but I make no claims on them. This was written in fun that's all. None of it is real.
Feedback: Yes please send to sairalinde@hornofgondor.com
Archiving: Yes but ask first please.
Summary/Notes: Viggo and Sean discover they want each other. "Have you ever done something crazy...I mean completely out of character, something every fiber of your being screamed you shouldn't do but you just said to hell with it all and did it anyway?"


[Chapter 1 and 2] [Chapter 3 and 4]


Chapter 1 and 2

Viggo sat in the dimly lit corner of the pub and pretended to write in his journal. His thoughts were scattered tonight and all he could manage was to doodle and write just a few disjointed thoughts and comments. He scowled at the page when he felt the source of his distraction fill the seat across from him.

"You aren't much company tonight, Vig." Sean complained taking a drink of his ale.

Viggo didn't look up just frowned and shrugged his shoulders. It was true he wasn't much company tonight A herd of wildebeests could leap on the table and dance the can-can and Viggo doubted he would even so much as bat an eyelash. That thought however nearly made him laugh at the imagery that popped in his mind. He tried to suppress a grin and wound up scrunching up his nose and frowning at the page. When he looked up Sean was staring at him strangely.

"You are in a weird mood aren't you?" Sean asked taking another drink eying his friend who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but the pub.

Viggo sighed. "Yeah...sorry to be such a downer."

Sean laughed. "That's alright, I shouldn't have dragged you here but I didn't feel like being alone tonight. Besides I'll take your brooding over the whirling dervishes any day." Sean said tipping his head toward the raucous bunch of hobbits and lone elf across the room.

Viggo glanced up from the page and looked across the room. The four younger men were playing some sort of drinking game. Billy looked to be winning.

"Did we ever have that kind of energy...that enthusiasm for life? If I did I certainly don't remember it." Viggo asked tiredly.

Viggo was exhausted, the shooting schedule lately had been hellish and to top it off he wasn't sleeping well at night. The reason for that had blond hair, sparkling green eyes, and a smile that seemed to be made of pure sun. He had started dreaming of Sean about a month ago. Viggo wasn't sure when his feelings of friendship towards Sean had shifted to something more, but last month he started having dreams...erotic ones and in the morning he would wake up aching and most times angry with himself. He knew what was happening and couldn't stop it, sure he could just stop hanging out with Sean but he knew that would make him even more miserable. It was like Sean was a drug that Viggo was addicted to...he knew it wasn't good for him but he had to have it anyway.

"Me either." Sean answered after a few moments.

"What the fuck happened?" Viggo asked finally taking a drink of his untouched beer that by now was lukewarm.

"We got so drunk or high we forgot about it?" Sean offered grinning.

Viggo finally laughed, the first time he had laughed that night which made Sean feel quite pleased with himself.

"God we are old men, Sean." Viggo said tilting his beer bottle toward Sean as he gestured.

"We aren't old...we are experienced." Sean answered touching his mug to Viggo's bottle.

Viggo grinned wider and Sean felt the urge to reach out to trace the lines that formed around Viggo's eyes. When that thought registered in his brain Sean looked away. Viggo was his friend, his best friend, he didn't need to be thinking that way about him. It wasn't the first time Sean felt that physical pull toward Viggo, he knew it wouldn't be the last. It wasn't just the physical either and that was what really bothered Sean. Viggo wasn't in the least interested in Sean though, that is other than as a close friend. Sean was fine with that, it wasn't like he did well with relationships anyway...his third marriage was glaringly obvious proof of that. Then again he had never had a long term relationship with a man...would it be different? He wondered sometimes if his pull toward men was why his marriages failed. He knew Sir Ian would have tons to say on the matter should he ever bring it up to him, not that Sean ever intended to do so.

Viggo watched the emotions flicker through Sean's green gaze and leaned forward.

"Now who's brooding?" Viggo asked softly.

Sean's eyes flickered for a moment and then he grinned. "Sorry lost in thought...guess neither of us are great company tonight."

"That's alright, we can just be bad company together." Viggo said sitting back and closing his journal.

Viggo's words stopped him 'we can just be bad company together'. "Hey...have you ever done something crazy...I mean completely out of character, something every fiber of your being screamed you shouldn't do but you just said to hell with it all and did it anyway?" Sean asked suddenly.

"What?" Viggo asked a bit stunned. He never expected Sean to say anything like that.

Sean started to repeat himself but Viggo stopped him with a wave of his hand. "No I heard you just fine...was just trying to digest what you said. I um...yeah sure I guess. I think we all have that one moment of insanity in our lives. Never done anything against the law...well at least never got caught." Viggo admitted grinning remembering more than a few illegal things he had done in his life. "Why?"

"I dunno...every once in a while I get these wild ideas, but never act on them. Afraid to I guess." Sean admitted.

"What kind of wild ideas?" Viggo asked quite interested in where his friend was leading.

"Aww...hell never mind. Never mind it's nothing." Sean said draining his ale.

Viggo frowned at him. "Ok. Well I think I have had enough...you ready to go yet?"

Viggo was Sean's ride but didn't want to leave unless Sean wanted to.

"Yeah I think I am ready to go." Sean said digging out his wallet as Viggo did the same.

As they stepped outside the pub it was cold, much colder than it had been in several nights.

"Damn. Should have drunk more." Viggo said rubbing his arms.

Sean laughed. "Or at least worn a jacket." Sean offered.

Viggo shivered and the Brit felt another urge to touch the man, he wanted to wrap his arms around him and make him warm or just make him shiver for another reason. Sean frowned surely I didn't drink that damn much? Then a thought struck him...what he had asked Viggo about in the bar. He might just get his arse kicked up around his ears for what he was about to do...but he had to get these urges to go away. The only way he knew to get them to go away was to finally act on them.

Sean glanced around, the parking lot was deserted. When they approached Viggo's car Sean didn't cross to the passenger side, instead he stopped next to Viggo.

The American turned to say something to him and Sean grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him back against the cold steel of the car. He saw Viggo's eyes widen and his mouth began to open to say something but Sean leaned in quickly and claimed his mouth. He had to get this out of his system; he just hoped Viggo wouldn't hate him.

Chapter 2

Viggo stood stock still...in shock. Sean was kissing him....kissing him! 'Fuck. I only drank half a beer so I am not drunk. Am I asleep and this is a dream?' He asked himself. This was certainly like something out of his dreams. But no this wasn't a dream...it was too intense too real for a dream. Then Viggo's brain seemed to engage and he returned the kiss. He opened to his friend allowing his tongue access.

At first Sean was slightly unsure but soon his tongue invaded Viggo's mouth and was met with Viggo's tongue chasing his. Sean's hands slid from their grip on his friend's shoulders to his back pulling him tighter in to his body. Viggo dropped his journal on the ground and wrapped his arms around Sean's back.

'Well I'm certainly not cold anymore.' Viggo thought vaguely as fire seemed to race through his veins and straight to his groin. He couldn't believe that after a month of wanting this dreaming this, it was really happening. He didn't think Sean was interested in him at all not like this. He knew Sean wasn't drunk; he had only two beers tonight. The thought he was kissing him like this sober made the older man become rock hard.

Sean's kiss was beyond belief; it was more than Viggo ever imagined it would be. Passionate and hungry but at the same time tender, a slow and steady burn making Viggo's knees go weak. Normally he was in the lead, he was the dominant one, but letting Sean take the lead felt so good...so damn good.

Sean pulled back for no other reason than he was going to pass out if he didn't manage to drag more air into his lungs. He realized then that he had Viggo crushed up against the side of his car and both of them were extremely aroused. He knew this because even though he leaned back everything from the waist down was pressed against Viggo.

Sean wanted to breathe a sigh of relief; Viggo wasn't going to kick his arse up around his ears after all. When Sean looked into his friend's eyes the pale blue gray had been replaced with sparkling indigo. Sean almost smiled...Viggo wanted this as much as he did. How can two intelligent people spend as much time together as they did and not know this before now? If Viggo hadn't responded Sean planned to blame it on what he said earlier about doing something crazy and out of character. Make a joke out of it, but now...this changed everything. Absolutely everything.

Viggo took a deep shuddering breath and stared into the sparkling green eyes before him.

"Sean?" Viggo asked dragging in a deep breath.

"Get in the car Viggo." Sean answered grinding his hips forward a bit to highlight his need for following that command quickly.

Viggo normally wouldn't go for someone telling him what to do but this was Sean...the man he had been dreaming about. If Sean asked him to stand on his head and recite the alphabet backwards he would fucking well do it in three languages if it meant the end result would mean getting the other man inside him.

Sean was a little shocked at how quickly once he backed away that Viggo snatched up his journal and ripped his car door open. 'Fuck me but he wants this as bad as I do.' Sean said to himself rounding the car quickly and jumping in the passenger side.

"Yours or mine?" Viggo asked pulling out of the parking lot.

"Mine it's cleaner." Sean mused grinning.

"Hey!" Viggo cried indignantly. "My place is not dirty...it's just cluttered."

Sean laughed he knew that was true, Viggo's place was clean it was just so filled with books, photographs, artwork, and art supplies that you needed a map to locate the kitchen. He loved Viggo's place though, it felt like Viggo, just like the man it was warm and comfortable and full of all kinds of wonderful artistic things. But as much as he liked his place Sean was afraid as worked up as they were just over that one kiss in the parking lot they might kill themselves trying to find Viggo's bedroom, plus Sean's place was closer.

Sean ran his hand up Viggo's thigh dragging his nails against the worn denim. A muscle leapt in Viggo's jaw, he gasped and almost swerved.

"Fuck. Sean don't do that...I am trying to keep from killing us here." Viggo hissed from between clenched teeth. He still couldn't believe this was happening.

Sean grinned. He loved that...loved having that power over Viggo. He leaned over close to his friend's ear and lowered his voice a bit, "Do you know how long I have waited for this? How long I have wanted you? Have you any idea what I plan on doing to you when we get to my place? I want you Vig...all of you and I plan on having you. I want to taste you, and I want to feel you trembling under me, begging for release."

Viggo shuddered at the images floating through his mind. Damn the man was going to get him off with his voice if he kept this up. He never imagined that Sean would be like this...would be so dominant. Viggo wasn't sure he liked that entirely it wasn't normally his thing but hell if it wasn't turning him on now.

Sean grinned at the other man's reaction. This was turning out much better than he ever dreamed. He never thought Viggo would respond like this but he was damn glad he was.

When they finally reached Sean's driveway both men had their doors open before the engine was turned off.

Sean dug in his pocket searching for his keys, which was not a comfortable thing to do with somewhat tight jeans to begin with and to top it off a raging hard on.

Viggo was beside him shifting from one foot to the other...he was cold again. Sean reached to unlock the door and then stopped mid motion. Viggo's teeth were actually chattering.

"Fuck Viggo...next time wear a bloody jacket, we can't have Aragorn sneezing in the Mines of Moria." Sean teased as he unlocked the door.

Viggo tried to grin but couldn't manage it through the chattering of his teeth. He was freezing but he was also more nervous than he had ever been in his entire life and that had more to do with his teeth chattering than the cold.

Once Sean shoved the door open he pushed Viggo through the door and then kicked it shut with his heel as he entered. Sean had left the light over the kitchen stove on so it wasn't completely dark, plus the light of the full moon was filtering through the blinds.

He tugged his jacket off and tossed it across the nearest chair and then flipped on the light. Viggo was standing there in front of him looking a bit like a deer caught in the headlights.

"You ok?" Sean asked. "Are you having second thoughts?" Sean hoped his answer would be no but if it weren't then Sean would back off. He would have to.

"N...No!" Viggo blurted. 'Oh that wasn't a bit needy sounding was it?' He thought to himself.

Sean stared at his friend for a moment...hmm friend? He wasn't going to be his friend after tonight was he? This was going to change everything. Sean started to have the tiniest stab of regret. He loved his friendship with Viggo...he prayed this wasn't going to ruin it.

Go to Chapters 3 and 4