Author: Sairalinde
Pairing: Viggo/Sean B. and Aragorn/Sean B.
Rating: Explicit Sex (eventually knowing me)
Beta: Glorfindel
Disclaimer: This never happened...this is total fiction spurred on by a chain-smoking chocolate eating bunny that lives in my purse. Viggo, and Sean are real people but I make no claims on them. Tolkien’s characters belong to his estate. This was written in fun that's all.
Feedback: Yes please send to sairalinde @
Archiving: OEAM, Rugbytackling, LOM, GO-others ask.
Summary: Sean has an accident filming and awakes to find himself in Middle Earth, everyone there is confused because he looks like Boromir. Everyone in the “real world” is worried about their friend. Especially Viggo.

Author note: I have never tried writing one like this before so please be gentle on the fictional person characterizations. I normally only write RPS/RPH so this is a bit of a switch for me. This bunny was adopted from Fin. I gave him the idea and then he wrote a little synopsis and gave it to me. So I ran with it because my bunnies have been quiet lately. This is also the first time I have ever posted a WIP I usually get down to the last chapter before I start posting but this time I am posting as I write. Hoping feedback might steer me in the right direction in some places.

[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9] [Chapter 10] [Chapter 11] [Epilogue]

Chapter 1

The crew was setting up for the next shot so Sean had wandered over to the other side of the set. He’d been thinking about the tipsy conversation he’d had with Viggo the night before about their characters. Viggo had said something about Aragorn being torn between not only his heritage and duty but also his loves. Sean had asked what he meant but Viggo refused to elaborate. Said it was a silly notion he was sure Tolkien hadn’t intended and moved on. Sean was still puzzling over it when someone screamed his name and the world suddenly went dim, then black.


It had been three days since the crowning of the King. All of his friends still remained in Minas Tirith preparing for their journey’s home. Aragorn had decided to take a walk. Having all of the fellowship together had made his heart ache for the one who would never return home to his beloved Gondor. Boromir.

As Aragorn was strolling through the garden at Minas Tirith lost deep within his thoughts, he saw a man lying amongst the trees. He quickly ran to him and rolled the man over to see if he was still alive. Aragorn paused taken aback. He could not believe his eyes.

“Boromir!” He said aloud to no one. But it cannot be, thought Aragorn. I held you in my arms as you passed. By the Gods, how is this possible?

Aragorn called for his guards and they carried the unconscious man to the House of the Healing. He could not understand how it was possible that Boromir had come back. When he summoned Faramir to the man’s bedchamber the younger man burst into tears and threw his arms around the prone figure on the bed. Somehow his brother had returned.

Aragorn was so bewildered by the reappearance of his fallen friend, that he called upon Gandalf and Lord Elrond to help explain what in Aragorn’s mind had to be unexplainable.

After some time Gandalf and Lord Elrond emerged from the man’s chamber. The white wizard shook his head. “It is simple, that man, though he looks like him, is most certainly not Boromir.”

“Not Boromir?” Aragorn and Faramir asked in unison.

Gandalf and Lord Elrond merely nodded.

“But he looks so much like him.” Faramir murmured sadly.

“Once he awakens Gandalf can find out more,” Elrond stated since he was scheduled to leave in the morning. He had business to attend to with Galadriel.

Sean awoke two days later in a place he didn’t recognize.

“Where the bloody hell am I?” He said sitting up only to see Dom and Billy sleeping at the foot of his bed, well it looked like Dom and Billy dressed in their costumes but they were the size of their doubles. Sean shook his head trying to clear it and then two little pairs of eyes opened and immediately Billy pounced on him, nearly choking him.

“You are awake! Merry look, Boromir is awake!”

Sean thought for sure his eyes were going to pop out of his head both from the fierce hug and the very notion of…Boromir? What the fuck? Then he didn’t have much time for more thoughts as the other hobbit tackled him.

At that moment Ian walked in wearing his costume from the other two films, the white robes. Sean was sure he didn’t have any scenes with Gandalf the White.

“Ian? What the hell is going on?” Sean asked trying to pry the two little men from around his neck.

“Pippin, Merry, I told you before this man is not Boromir…now go on. I am sure he has questions and he can’t think with the two of you smothering him. Go on…go bother the cook.” Gandalf stated with his hands on his hips.

Pippin and Merry looked genuinely hurt. “He IS Boromir.” Pippin said sadly as the two little men disengaged from Sean’s neck and made for the door.

Sean took a deep breath and tried to clear his head. This had to be a joke. He looked around trying to see cameras or cables or lighting rigs but found none. His gaze went back to Ian at the foot of his bed.

“Ian…what is going on? Is this some sort of joke?” Sean asked trying to sit up more but his head ached so much he leaned back against the pillow again.

“No, I am afraid this is no joke. I do not know this Ian of whom you speak but you my friend are in Minas Tirith, and I am Gandalf the White.” Ian explained.

Sean began to laugh. “Right…pull the other leg. This has got to be an elaborate joke,” Sean said trying to control his laughter. He knew Viggo was full of practical jokes but this one so far was definitely a well-done prank.

Gandalf or Ian or whomever he decided he was today raised his eyebrow. “Again, this is no joke. You look like our fallen friend Boromir, but I know you are not. So what is your name?” Ian asked sitting down in a chair next to the bed.

“My name? Ian you know my bloody name. This joke has gone on far enough, it’s not fucking funny. Where is Viggo?” Sean said grumpily not wanting to play along with the joke any longer. It was just getting too bizarre.

“No, I do not know your name, or anyone by the name of Viggo for that matter,” Ian protested.

Sean sighed. Ok fine. Just go along with it and then it will be over with. Then Viggo will come out laughing like the loon he was and explain everything and maybe explain why Sean’s head hurt like hell.

“Oh very well, my name is Sean Bean.”

“Good to meet you, Sean. I suppose it is my turn to answer a few questions I am sure you have. Two days ago you were found unconscious in the garden. You were brought here to the Houses of Healing, and I was summoned because you look like someone we all thought was lost. I confirmed that you were not Boromir, but did not know who you could be. Do you know how you came to be here?”

Sean sat staring at the man this couldn’t be real? “No, I don’t know. The last thing I remember was standing on set and hearing someone scream my name. After that I’m blank. Can you please just tell me what the hell is going on? This joke has ran its course and is no longer fucking funny.”

“Set? Fucking?” Ian asked, “I’m afraid you’ve lost me.”

“The movie set…you know the one we’ve been working on for the past six months? We were working on the Council scene in Rivendell. I had wandered off to the side waiting for the crew to set up the next shot and then boom I wake up here.” Sean explained still trying to grasp what the hell was going on.

“Think you are strong enough to get up? I think if you were to look around, perhaps you would find more answers.” Ian advised sure that whatever place this man had come from was not Middle Earth, and the man needed to be shown. Although the wizard did not understand completely what the man was speaking of, but he was a man of great patience; when certain hobbits were not involved.

Sean threw back the covers and discovered he was in some sort of long nightshirt. He got out of the bed and followed the old man to a window.

“This is not the world you belong in is it?” Gandalf asked looking at the man who was gaping at the scene before him.

Sean closed his eyes and began to physically shake. This wasn’t real, this couldn’t be real, it was a bloody book for God’s sake it wasn’t a real place. He couldn’t be here…unless he was dreaming or in a coma or…dead? That realization made Sean back away from the window and collapse into the chair as he broke into a cold sweat. Something was definitely not right here.

“Are you all right?” Gandalf asked worriedly.

“Give me a moment.” Sean said waving his hand at the old man. Gandalf stood patiently waiting for the man to come to terms with what was happening. He could empathize with him even if he didn’t know all of the details he knew this man was not of their world. He knew of Middle Earth, obviously by mentioning the Council meeting and Rivendell but he did not belong here. That much Gandalf was sure of.

After a while the man seemed to regain his wits about him and looked up at Gandalf.

“So I am in Minas Tirith? Is the war over? The ring destroyed?”

“Yes the war is over.” Gandalf answered a little surprised by the man’s questions.

“Boromir died at Amon Hen?” Sean asked.

“Yes, he did.”

“Aragorn is King now and married to Arwen?”

Gandalf smiled, the man certainly did know their world. “Yes.”

The man sighed and reached up to scratch his head. Bloody fucking wig had been on for over two days now and it itched. “Ok, well at least now I know for sure I’m really me.” He said laughing.

Gandalf looked at him oddly, then watched as Sean began to tug and pull and soon his wig was removed to reveal much shorter and blonder hair than the wig.

The wizard smiled, “I had no idea.”

Sean laughed. “Peter, um the director of the movie, is quite thorough…I guess you have some questions of me now?” He said tossing the wig onto the bed and picking at the glue on his forehead.

His sanity seemed to be slipping a bit…part of him just wanted to bolt out of the room screaming but the other more logical part of him knew he just needed to play this out.

Continue to Chapter 2